The BrXnd Marketing X AI Conference is coming to NYC this fall.
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A landscape of the world's best companies at the intersection of brands and AI.

Brandtech Group In a Nutshell descriptions provided by The Brandtech Group.

Content Summarization

Tools to help summarize content in order to aid the research and writing process.


A look at some of the pricing/plans from across this category. This is not a complete list of all the plans, not all data is up to date. Please check pricing pages of each product/company.

All prices are subject to change. Price info is extracted by AI based on the pricing pages. Companies have one “featured plan” chosen from their pricing pages to provide a representative sample of the category.
CompanyFeatured PlanFree TrialDescriptionKey FeaturesModelPriceSummary
Make your research goals a reality from £3.99 per monthMax individual file upload: 5GB, unlimited number of projects, unlimited number of resources, AI-generated keywords, AI Powered summaries, Cloud based notes & annotations, Note Linking, Graph, Figure & Table Extraction, Access to genei walkthroughs & knowledge base, Reference generation & management, Email Support, Chatbot Support, Export Functionality, Priority Server Access, GPT3 Summaries, AI-Powered Expand, Paraphrase & Rephrase, Multidocument Analysis, GPT3 Access for Search & Question Mode, Book a 1-1 walkthrough with a member of our team, Student BeansSubscription$29.99 £29.99 per month, £24.99 per month when paid annually Landscape

BrXndScape is a project of, an organization at the intersection of brands and AI.

Generative AI Categories

3D Asset GenerationAI Fashion ModelsAdvertising GenerationAudio Ad GenerationColorsConsultantsContent GenerationContent SummarizationEmail GenerationIdea GenerationImage EditorsImage GenerationImage/Prompt SearchInterface DesignLLM App DevelopmentLanding Page GenerationLarge Language ModelsLogo DesignMachine Learning ToolsMarket ResearchMusic GenerationPRPattern GenerationPresentation GenerationProduct Photography GenerationResearchersSocial Content GenerationSynthetic DataSynthetic ResearchText-to-SpeechTranscriptionVector DatabasesVector GenerationVideo EditingVideo GenerationWriting Assistants

BrXnd is an organization that sits at the intersection of brands and AI.


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